Yellow Thai curry with

Looks fantastic!
we buy this locally for a lot less than Amazon but it IS VERY GOOD. wife says it's a little spicy but i think it tastes just fine. finish it off with a little brown sugar and a splash of Red Boat fish sauce and it's perfect every time. just sear the cod chunks with high heat before adding them into the sauce (all veggies are pre cooked and the fish too before adding to the curry sauce). heat through and you're all set. coconut milk in a can works just fine in this recipe.

Thanks, Brett. If you get a chance, would you mind sharing the rest of the recipe (what/how much other stuff do you add to the curry paste and roughly how much fish/veg)? Thanks!
Thanks, Brett. If you get a chance, would you mind sharing the rest of the recipe (what/how much other stuff do you add to the curry paste and roughly how much fish/veg)? Thanks!

I did around 2# of Costco fresh caught cod and cut the fish up into 1.5"x1.5" cubes. lightly salted the cod cubes and added granulated garlic and white pepper powder. Tossed all on a plate and let si for 5 mins for flavors to penetrate.

cooked 4 small Russet pots which were cut into cubes, less than 1in by 1in. skin on too, and then placed in pan with cold water, slated the water and then brought to a boil and total cooktime was 15 mins (bite tender but cooked. pots will continue to cook after removal; i don't like overcooked, mealy pots). drained the pots and let cook on a baking sheet where i assembled all cooked ingredients.

in a wok, boil salted water and cut up broccoli. cook till it is bite tender, around 3 mins total once boiled. removed the cooked broccoli and also placed on baking sheet.

cut up around 10-12 medium thick asparagus, woody ends removed and discarded, one white onion cut into 1/4" wide strips and 6 leaves of napa cabbage (rinsed and cleaned) separating the soft tops (cooked near end of stir fry) and the firm lower stalks, which where sliced to cook faster.

on high heat, wok the 'gus, onion and cabbage stems in 1 TBS oil. 30 seconds in add some crushed minced garlic, then wok for 2 mins while stirring. add a dash of fish sauce and continue stirring. when the 'gus are bite tender, remove from wok and place on baking sheet along with the cooked pots and cooked broccoli.

reheat wok, add 2 TBS oil and get to smoke point, add in half of the seasoned cod cubes and let sear, use the wok to flip your fish. cook till 75-80% cooked through then remove from wok onto baking sheet using spatula.

repeat with 2nd batch of cod (2TBS oil again to smoke point and hard sear then flip using the wok to flip the fish). the goal is to not break the fish up using your wok spatula.

you can use wok as-is, or rinse it out first, then add 1 TBS oil and 2 TBS of the curry mixture, all on a medium heat, stir curry into the oil to make fragrant. lower heat and then add 1 can coconut milk. add 1/2 can of water into coconut milk can and then add that water into the wok and milk/curry mixture. gently stir and incorporate the curry paste and milk. once combined, add in 1/4 cup brown sugar and a dash or two of fish sauce (I like Red Boat brand as it's a very clean product and high quality, choose whatever fish sauce brand you like, Squid or Three Crabs brand are also good, but I really prefer the flavor of Red Boat).

Taste your curry for flavor balance and profile and adjust accordingly; brown sugar for more sweet and fish sauce for more salty. I like an even blend of the two flavors.

bring curry to low boil and add in all ingredients from baking tray; pots, brocc, sauteed gus and onions and the cooked fish. gently fold the sauce atop the fish and veggies. don't overfold the fish so it stays in larger pieces. heat through till all has a gentle low boil.

serve with steamed rice and thai chilis if you like spicy. enjoy!

it's a fairly healthy meal and quite filling. this recipe was enough for 5 people with 3 of them having a 2nd serving. leftover will fee another three meals.

total ingredients in this large cook were: 2# cod, 10-12 asparagus, 4 small russets, 6 napa cabbage leaves, one medium white onion and two cups dry rice cooked in 4 cups water with a dash of salt in the rice water. and the curry paste and one can of coconut milk.
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46 is too cold to grill?? Heck that would only leave me with like 4 or 5 months a year to grill. 🤣

Year rounder, -10 or 100.

Food looks good though, it does.
46 is TOO cold, especially when it's dark out and no sunlight. I can do 46 on a weekend day, as the sun will warm me some. but it's too cold to grill at night. mind you, i wear shorts and flips at home year round. i could wear long pants and a pullover, but i'm too lazy.

yellow curry is bomb. try it if you're into it. great flavor and can be made with, cod, salmon, shrimp, chicken or straight vegetables. it's hearty and filing.

