WSM with oak fire

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f.j. tedford

I would like to use the WSM with either an all oak wood fire burned to coals and stoked with wood a la offset style or a combination of the Minion method using Kingsford as the base fuel but oak coals as the starter. Has anyone tried anything like this?
You need to burn down coals, you will find the the pit temps will spike a lot.
A WSM is not a wood burner ala offset, not enough steel to stabalize the temps.
You will find that burning the oak to coals will also give you less not more smoke flavor.
Thanks for the input. I've got a supply of oak that I cut into large chunks to use up. I was looking for the best way to go through it. Maybe I will just use it as normal smoke wood chunks instead of as a main fuel source.

i used to use wood in a cheap offset and it was a lot harder to maintain but the food is much better in the WSM. i'm sure a good offset would have made good food also, but i've had GREAT results lately with just wood chunks and kingsford. it's up to taste but i find oak goes well with some other fruit wood im using.
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