WSM temp control


Lynn K

New member
Hi all,

I am trying my first attempt at beer can chicken. (2 of them). I am using the recipe from this website, which calls for a half a can of beer. So of course I had to drink the other halves of each can. (I know... sad, but true) This has been turning into an episode of Laurel and Hardy. When I went to place my lid I knocked over not one, but both chickens, which then spilled beer into the water pan. Now I am not sure if I should replace these cans with more full ones. (This would again mean more drinking on my part.)

My other dilemma is temperature regulation. Currently I have one lower vent closed down completely and the other two at 1/4 open. The lid vent is also at 1/4 open. After 1 hour of fun, thrills and spills, my lid temp seems to be hovering around 170. What's a girl to do? Any suggestions? :confused:

If these chickens turn out great, it will be a miracle... hmmm... perhaps "great" is too strong a word here.:D
Okay a bit of a correction. Kinda' how my day has been going. I mean't to write my temp had been hovering at around 270. Now 2 hours in, I am at 250. Still too high I think. My vents are all the same as before.
Okay, so initially I was expecting this to be a 3-4 hour cook, but since my wsm was burning so hot, my chickens are done early. Thanks anyway, but I am still not sure how to regulate my temp.
If you are using the thermometer built into the lid, the are noted for being incorrect. Additionally, the lid temp will be higher than the top grate temp, sometimes as much as 40 to 50 degrees. I'd open top vent and regulate temp with bottom vents.
I'm not an authority on beer can chicken; however, I believe the accepted method is high heat which is 350+. If you're attempting to smoke the chicken, your temps are OK. defintiely want to be regulating temp with your bottom vents only. Your lid vent should be wide open at all times.

My WSM 22 runs at about 250, using the minion method with a full CC ring......closing the bottom vents almost completely once it gets rolling (lid vent wide open).

Hope this helps.
I'm not an authority on beer can chicken; however, I believe the accepted method is high heat which is 350+. If you're attempting to smoke the chicken, your temps are OK. defintiely want to be regulating temp with your bottom vents only. Your lid vent should be wide open at all times.

My WSM 22 runs at about 250, using the minion method with a full CC ring......closing the bottom vents almost completely once it gets rolling (lid vent wide open).

Hope this helps.

I did use the minion method with a full ring. I will try your venting system next time to see how it goes. My chicken internal temp reached 171 and after all is said and done, it tastes pretty good and is still tender. So other than getting my timing down, I am pretty happy.:D
BC chicken is too much of a balancing act for me. Spatchcock (butterfly) those birds and cook as hot as you can get your smoker. As long as you pull the chickens when the appropriate breast/thigh temps are reached, the meat will not be dry and the skin will be a lot crispier than if cooked at 250 or 270. The cook will be much shorter for you too. Chris has a good video on splitting chickens on this site if you haven't seen it yet. You can always drink beer. Never fret about a 20* difference in temps. Means nothing. I like to pull chickens as soon as the breast hits 160, but you go for your own preference. You will get some carry over cooking as the chickens rest.
Thanks everyone for all your input. I am sure all these tips will be put to good use... next time.
BC chicken looks cool, but I've made some amazing chickens just throwing one breast-down on the lower rack while I'm cooking something else. It's a lot easier!

