WSM Insulation Temps


George Roth

TVWBB Member
I am considering a water heater insulating blanket now that the weather is so cold in Wisconsin. Can anyone tell me what temperatures they feel insulation would be necessary for a long Minion-Method smoke [225-275 degrees] in a wind protected location. I am going to do a look-see at Home Depot today and see what they carry.


I do a MM, and like to run in the 275 degs range or higher, and all I ever found to need was protection from the wind in this little ice box called the Fox Valley.:wsm:

You know , for the money it would cost for one of those water heater blankets I wouldn't even hesitate. It absolutely can't hurt to wrap the smoker , even if it's in the 30's.....what the heck...saving heat has to save fuel right ? Post a pic when you get it done ( if you do it) ...I'm curious what it'll look like and if you think it helped.

This is what I use and I love it! There is plenty left over too. For $25, it's well worth the investment. I use it anytime it's 40 degrees and under. It helps to conserve fuel. Good Luck!

I just got some reflectix and made a sleeve so there's dead air space around the smoker...use it if it's windy or cold. A 2' x 25' roll did my mini, uds and 18" Jumbo joe mini (Jimmy)


