WSM great price; $149 + shipping

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While searching fruitlessly for a good deal, I was on the Yahoo/Shopping site and I just typed in Weber smoker. Lo and behold, I think I found a good deal. Only thing is , I don't know the merchants reputation. Does anyone know of other good deals? I'm a newbie who has written off buying one of those expensive cookers.
Like you, I had done a lot of searching on the web for a bargain WSM earlier this summer. And like you, I found a number of vendors offering them in the $140 to 150 price range. But when shipping charges ($20 to $30 to the Midwest) were factored in, the total came to just a few dollars less than what the True Value just down the street was selling them for. To me, that seemed like an insignificant price difference.

With that in mind, I chose to buy mine from the hardware store down the street. Granted, I could have saved a few bucks by purchasing online, but in this time of drop-shipping virtual e-storefronts and ConHugeCorp Mega Marts, I felt that it was more important to support my local small businessman than to save what basically amounts the price of a twelve-pack of beer.

Because I bought my WSM locally, now when I walk into the hardware store, they always ask how the smoker is working out and what I’ve smoked lately. To reward them for their interest, I’ll frequently drop off vacuum-sealed samples of the latest home smoked butts or ribs. By doing so, I’m not only building a business relationship but genuine friendships, as well.

Sorry to be so longwinded but I wanted to relate my experience to you. If you can find an irresistible online bargain, then by all means, go for it. But, to me, saving a couple of dollars is sometimes not the most important thing to consider.

Good luck with your WSM. I know you're going to enjoy it.

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