The holes seem very small and your fan seems like it's working overtime.
I had the same issue and increased the size of the holes on my Air Burner(tm?) and it made the world of difference. I also elected to not have the fan input on the bottom of the smoker as grease was leaking from the hole. That failed attempt led me to scrap an entire Mini WSM (actually I just returned it to Walmart and told them it was leaking grease... technically not a lie?) and buy a new one to place the fan input on the side of smoker.
Are you use an RD3 or some sort of damper? How are you connecting that fan/damper setup to your air burner? I'd appreciate pics if you have them handy. I'm trying to figure out how I would want to build air burner and get an RD3 attached to it. I'm thinking I would want my air burner going through one of the Weber dampers existing holes like this guys setup: As I really don't want to drill into my 3 month old WSM.