WSM 22" - High Heat Paint

Hi all,

New WSM owner here, did my second cook last Friday. I just found out today that as my brother helped me build the WSM while i was at work, he drilled the holes for the cajun bandit hinge and used Rustoleum Black High Heat Paint Semi gloss (Rustoleum High Heat Paint) on the inside and outside of the 6 drilled holes. He also did the same with the bottom chamber of the charcoal on the inside and leg holes as he over tightened the wheel legs to the smoker and touched up the inside of each leg hole of the smoker where the nut was overtightened. (The outside leg hole was not damaged because of the felt washer that was used)

I know your not supposed to use the high heat paint on the inside, should i remove the paint with 80 grit sandpaper every spot that was painted and season oil it after removal? Im afraid it might remove some of the porcelain enamel.
I know we cooked twice already but id rather remove if it is unsafe in those locations - Since its semi gloss i think it will be easy to spot.

Thanks for any feedback/help!
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He didn't spray the whole inside, just touched up where the holes are right?
I would say that any off gases happened in the first cook and its fully cured,
You could still do a empty high heat cook followed by a seasoning cook with some cheap fatty meat, like bacon.

If you really want to remove the paint, you could try some 3 M paint stripper pads. Use some goop or krud or a similar paint remover to keep the pad moist.
While I wouldn’t endorse painting the whole inside of a grill - gas or charcoal - I personally think this danger is somewhat overblown. A few small repairs would surely cure and be of no real danger after the first cook.

I have seen more than one case where someone has painted the entire inside of an aluminum firebox on a Genesis gas grill with high heat paint. Again, I don’t endorse it, but I also have never heard of anyone having ill effects from it.
Hi All,
Thanks for the recommendations!
Yes, it was only paint on the 3 inner holes for the legs and 6 inner holes for the cajun bandit hinge (2 on the cover and 4 on the mid piece).
Yeah unfortunately we have already done 2 cooks on the WSM (ribs and 2chicken + tri tip) approximately at the 250 to 300 F rang.

I see so your saying to do a high heat cook, a full charcoal basket all on at the same time and that should remove any toxic properties from the paint? Hmm the charcoal bottom will be extremely hot but im assuming that will be in the approximate 400 F range for the top cover at least and not sure if that temp threshold would be high enough for the top compared to the bottom?

If i were to go the strip pad route, the paint is oil and not latex, i do not see any oil paint remover for krud kutter but found Citristrip for oil paints.
But Citristrip is not recommended for inside grills, now the concern is using any oil liquid strip painters that could be caustic/toxic even after cleaning and then charcoal high heat.
Would simple green be sufficient in combination with the pads or is this also just over blown paranoia?

Thanks for your help!
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Thanks guys for your feedback and help.
I'll leave as is and just run it empty on a full lit charcoal basket before the next cook. Was paranoid as hell for a sec there haha - Thanks again ~!

