wsm 22 brisket capacity?


javier davila

New member
I already have a wsm 18 and love it. I want to add a second one but im not sure if to get
a 22. I want it for cooking brisket mostly and want to know if I can fit 2 briskets per grate and if so up to what size?
If I can still only fit just 1 per grate I will probably just get another 18 since it is so fuel efficient.
Javier if you want to increase the capacity of your 18.5 or a 22 for that matter consider adding a 3rd set of grate tabs in between the top and bottom grates. That will give you about 4" clearance on an 18 and more I think on the 22. I've done that to my 18 for things like jerky and ribs. I have not cooked three briskets on it because I have never had the need but I don't see why it would not work. I used steels mirror tabs and welded mine, others on here have used machine screws if I recall. If I were going to cook three briskets I would turn them at different directions in the smoker.
I have a 22 WSM, I've smoked two full briskets 14-17 lbs each but one per rack. If you separate flat from the cap and trim, you may be able to get more "pieces" on a single rack, 3-4 flat/cap pieces on each rack. It's not something I have done nor would I recommend. I think this would require lifting the lid more to re-position pieces. I prefer to keep the lid on the entire smoke once my 22 with 14" clay pot locks in at 230-250 F.

I hope this helps. Good luck.
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