WSM 18" Replacement Parts



New member
As a follow up to my previous post. I am looking at replacing my grates. Is there a reason to stick with OEM grates or do the 3rd party Hisecn grates work fine?

Additionally, some of the screws that mount the legs are rusted. Any reason to replace those?
I've bought OEM grates at end of the year sales like from Target etc so you might want to keep an eye out.
Prices are crazy high for OEM grates so check reviews B4 buying aftermarket stuff.
Bolts are nickel plated so you can replace with SS or same or just leave them ( give them a dab of oil )
Okay yea I really have no reference for what it should cost. I have you can get the full set, charcoal, lower and upper on Amazon for $45. The reviews are good. Just didn’t know if there is a downside.

