WOW! Stoker WiFi Is Here!!!

UPDATE - I sent an email to Rock and quickly got a response. It turns out the antenna inside the device wasn't connected. I popped it open, connected the antenna and I now have great range!

Original Post - What type of WiFi range are people getting with their WiFi Stoker? My smoker is approximately 24 feet away from my router with only an exterior wall with a large glass french door in between and I wasn't able to get the Stoker to join my WiFi network at this range. Just wondering if others are getting longer range. I can consistently connect at 20'ish feet away. My other wireless devices have no issue connecting well beyond this range with the same router (Apple Time Capsule). Thanks!
My stoker is on the outside of my deck, about 15' from the house. I use two wireless access points, one at the router, and another on the second floor. The addition of this second floor access point made a big difference in our coverage around the house.
Just ordered mine. Got in before the price increase

Said it would be a few weeks before shipping. I am going out of town for business, so it should make the time go quicker
My Stoker sits on the backyard patio, while the router is upstairs, in the front of the house. It goes thru 3 walls and about 40 to 45 feet, point to point.
First cook...mine's about the same distance, it's connected. Do I have to update the readings manually, or does it refresh on it's own? It's been on about 10 minutes and It hasn't updated on it's own yet.

