Workin on 2 E 320's right has manifold hangers and the other doesnt.....question....



TVWBB All-Star
Hello all.....workin on two E 320's the Genesis 300 series with knobs on the sides. One of them has manifold hangers and the manifold is solid as a rock. The other does not have any hangers at all and the manifold dips a bit causing the knobs to bottom out and thus will not turn sometimes. I need to either brace the manifold or stick something in the knob hole so it rides higher. Have u guys fabricated your own manifold braces for this model? I am sure its only happening to me..... I guess I should come clean here but it shouldnt matter. I swapped the knobs from one grill to the other because the one grill is going to a family friend and I wanted him to have the cool knobs with the black kettles on them. It is possible they are very slightly longer or have shallower innards because they work fine on the grill in question. Its crazy....if these knobs are different I cant see it. Note the older grills knobs sit in a decorative cup of sorts which make it bottom out faster than the newer grill that just has a decorative ring. Sorry for the mixed up ramble....hope u can make some sense of it.
the 2007 manifold besides the two bolts to the firebox had a crossmember under the valves that eliminated the issue you describe. 2008-2010 had wings on the manifold that ride in slits in the front and rear frames. Sounds like you have one of each. The 2007 should have a separate igniter with the lead going through a hole in the firebox. Knobs should be identical with longer shafts. Grey plastic with black kettles.
Ahhhh thanks Dan....I will have to open the 07 back up again. As I recall all I have is just the two bolts to the fire box I dont recall the cross member. Is the cross member fixed.....or a clip on of some kind like the Silver B's and such? In other words could I have misplaced it or is it part of the frame?
I’m working on my 2009, the 2 screws holding the manifold to the firebox look ugly. Not gonna be fun getting them out.
Thanks I know what I am looking for. I did completely remove both sides from the frame on each grill because I was gunna swap them until I figured out one was notched and the other wasnt then I put them back the way they were. It is possible that my grill has the piece that you showed but maybe it is not engaged.....I will check tomorrow...Thanks again. Hey Duane from what I have learned playing with 300's recently is that the majority of them that I have worked on have seized manifold bolts. I now start work on these grills just assuming that I will have to drill those bolts out every time. Sometimes I get lucky but most times they are seized. Just center punch them and strart drilling with the best quality drill bits that you own. Use cutting oil and go slow and firm. Good luck.

