Wood you please help me

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Carlos Meixner

TVWBB Member
Doing a little search of Virginia woods I learned we have 4 types of Hickory. The four are: Bitternut

Are these all ok to use for smokin'? Or are there ones I should stay away from.

I know nothing about trees so I am trying to teach myself. Virginia folks here is the link to Virginia's trees from the Dept. of Forestry if you care to look at whats out there.


thanks folks,
"Because bitternut hickory wood is hard and durable, it is used for furniture, paneling, dowels, tool handles, and ladders. It is a choice fuel for smoking meats. Other uses include bars, crates', pallets, and flooring."

"Mockernut hickory is used for tool handles requiring high shock resistance. It is used for ladder rungs, athletic goods, agricultural implements, dowels, gymnasium apparatus, poles, shafts, well pumps, and furniture. Lower grade lumber is used for pallets, blocking, and so on. Hickory sawdust, chips, and some solid wood are often used by packing companies to smoke meats, and mockernut is the preferred wood for smoking hams. Though mockernut kernels are edible, because of their size they are rarely eaten by humans."

The source does not state the pignut is used for meat smoking-- which is a shame, as it sounded like it would be good on pork.
Carlos, Pignut Hickory is AKA as Sweet Hickory. One of the Few Hickory Nuts that are not Bitter
By all means use it. Bryan
The source does not state the pignut is used for meat smoking-- which is a shame, as it sounded like it would be good on pork.[/QUOTE]

LOL well Doug, and congrats on your Guru status BTW, good job I ALWAYS look forward to your wisdom on here....anyway yeah...pignut...pork........makes sense doesn't it?? lol

Big Al
Shagbark hickory is common here in upstate NY, I use it for smoking all the time and have enjoyed the flavor. The nuts are also good to eat if you don't mind the work to extract them from their shells.
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