wood and stuff

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Received my WSM Wednesday of last week and did the first real cook on Saturday. 6 slabs of Costco baby backs using the BRITU rub and 3 big chuncks of plum and 2 small chunks of hickory. After 5 1/2 hours on the smoker the results were fantastic. Probably the best tasting ribs I've ever had...and my wife and the friends that came over to help us eat them agreed... /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

While sitting on the deck during the cook keeping the smoker company I got to looking around the property to see what kind of hardwoods and fruitwoods I could harvest...besides the wild cherry in the back yard I noted several vine maples and alders that I'll have to 'trim'...also was wondering about the blackberries...I've heard of people using grape vine to smoke, anyone ever heard of using blackberry or similar types of vines? I'd try an experiment but I don't want to injest any strange toxins...

also, what other 'off the beaten path' woods have you used with good result? The plum was great...sweet like apple or cherry, but with more 'spice'...
A lot of blackberry bushes get sprayed with killer from time to time. If you know these have not been sprayed you could try them.
Grape vine is a great wood to use for grilling also, it does burn hot.
Thanks Jim!...since I'm out in the boonies near Carnation it won't be hard at all to find untainted blackberry vines...

has anyone ever used cottonwood? I have a bunch of them on my property and I'd love to have an excuse to start cutting them down /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Cottonwoods does not produce any heat or smoke that is worth anything, I think everyone like to figure out what cottonwood is good for.
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