Winter Deals ?


James Harvey

Since we're at the end of the traditional BBQ season in my area, does anyone have info on late season deals? By that I mean:

Wood (I get mine from Smokinlicious online)
Fuel (I bought up the last 4 bags of RO lump in my area and haven't seen a bag of fuel since)
Spices (I expect these aren't discounted by season as some have year round BBQ temps)
Tools (Canadian Tire and Home Depot sell off BBQ accessories at high discounts here in the fall but they're mostly trinket tools)

Anything to offset the meat costs
I went to Canadian Tire a few days ago for RO lump. They still have shelf space for it but no stock. So I used RO briquettes for the first time. No deals on anything left in the tiny BBQ section.
Home Depot is the same, BBQ section collapsed down but no deals.
I have not seen or heard of any deals either as of late.
The trick is to stock up around traditional sales times, Memorial day, July 4th etc...
In between sales I get my coal at Sav-A-Lot. It is 5 bucks for 18 pounds and is actually made by Royal Oak I found out!
No deals here. I bought 2 double bags (KB) at HD about a week ago. I had just opened one of the double bags at home but was concerned that this was all HD was going to have for awhile. There were only about five bags left. I should have gotten a couple more. They were pretty much normal price for a double 20lb bag.
Thanks all. I have about 10lbs of RO lump left and might only do one more cook this season as winter is upon us in Canada. I have the same experiences, empty shelves and BBQ sections. I have seen a few good deals on gas grills at HD and Canadian Tire though.
Royal Oak lump is back in stock at Canadian Tire here. I picked up three 8kg bags on Saturday.
Yeah as long as the weather stays mild I'm still going strong. Smoked half a side of bacon Friday and made pepper stout beef for the first time Saturday.
How much do you guys pay for Maple Leaf lump out east? I saw some at Barbecue Country today but they wanted $24 for a 20lb bag. seems pricey to me.

