Will this pork butt last in the refrig?



TVWBB Super Fan
I purchased a pork butt from publix today, on sale for $1.59. The guy told me they arrived today and were in the cryovac pkging. He separated them and wrapped in plastic with the normal labeling. He told me they would likely turn green if i left them in the refrig until saturday, the day i plan to put them in the smoker. However, the label on the pkg says "sell by 9/1" which is saturday . I figure if that's the sell by date, the meat should be fine for several days after that. Anyway, I wanted to check with you as I would prefer on to freeze the meat only to defrost by Saturday, 9/1. What are your thoughts, freeze or will it be ok in the fridge?
I would say it would be ok in the fridge. I had one that I left in the fridge for a week decided I didn't have time to cook it then put it in the freezer till I was ready.
Sell-by dates on meats mean little. The store or its corporate parent determines how they want to figure sell-by dates--there are no specifics from a legal standpoint. It would have been better had the meat remained vac-packed. If you can vac it yourself so much the better. If not, either place in a Zipl-loc and squeeze the air out of it or add a few layers of plastic wrap.

It should be fine. Since you are going to cook it food safety issues aren't a concern; the concern is maintaining quality. Minimizing air contact (store plastics are fairly permeable because they have to be) will help keep the quality up.

