Will 22.5" Hinged cooking grate fit OTS?

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Petra Z

TVWBB Member
BF is interested in a 22.5" Weber OTS, not OTG (he's not as into charcoal cooking as I am). If, later on, he wants to order a hinged 22.5* grate, will it fit the OTS? I apologize if this is a dumb question.
Not a dumb question at all. The OTS and OTG share the same charcoal bowl so the hinged grate will fit perfectly.

Good luck!

Hi Petra, yes the grates are interchangable. I don't use a hinged grate myself so your BF may not ever feel the need for one. I also like the OTS best.
A lot of people don't care for the OTG, over time the bucket can get hard to remove.

If you live in a windy area or if like me, your labrador likes to sift through the ashes for nuggets, the gold is fantastic.

Now if I could only find a way to keep him away from the tongs hanging on the grill!
Now if I could only find a way to keep him away from the tongs hanging on the grill!

We had a Lhasa Apso ("Truck Stop Trixie") who had a recurring problem with bleeding gums. Several trips to the vet didn't help. One day I came into the backyard by a different route (so she didn't get a warning from the gate opening) and found her gnawing happily on the grill brush, as she had apparently been doing for a long time, putting the brush back when she heard the gate open.

Hung the brush up out of reach, and presto no more bleeding gums.
Absolutely. I just brought up the original hinged grate that came with our 22.5 OTG to our family summer home in NW Montana and put it in the 22.5 OTS that has been up there for years (I bought the OTS in 1996) and it fit perfectly. I bought the weber gourmet grate system for our OTG this past spring so I didn't need the original hinged grate anymore.
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