wild cherry wood to smoke with?

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Jim Babek

Last summer I had an arborist drop two trees that he said were cherry trees. Personally Ive never seen a cherry anywhere around them but looked it up on the web and sure enough the bark matches. Question is whether I can use some of this wild cherry wood to smoke with? Also, what kind of meats should I use it with? I suppose I can start a small amount of charcoal, cut a few lumps and try it and see what it smells like.

Any help would be appreciated.
Wild cherry is fine to cook with, it's not as strong as hickory, oak or pecan and can be used with most any meat.
I've got some wild cherry chips, and I love them. Usually mix with a little apple and
I love the results!
Thanks for the feedback so quickly. Im not the most patient person so in the mean time I lit up about 30 kingsford's and threw on two fist sized chunks...a dry run so I can smell the smoke. I bought two racks of spares and think I will use this wood for my next smoke. Im still using an ECB but have a WSM comming my way in a week or two...an early fathers day present. Although my wife says I cant use it till Fathers day. Im gonna have to convince the boss...my 5 month old daughter...LOL. Wish me luck.
A neighbor brought by a bunch of cherry he had cut down. In return, I made him some butts and ribs smoked on just charcoal and cherry wood. Smelled just fine and tasted pretty good too. I am thinking it is a good wood for pork, but I would probably mix in a little of my favorite--hickory.

Also, you can get a rub, Mary's Cherry Rub, that is great on ribs. Not sure of a link, but, it can be found if you do a search.

Stogie told me about that rub a while back and I use it regularly.

Folks at work like it on butts.

Well I tried the wood on a few chicken breasts I had and I have to say it was awsome. You get the nice smoke flavor but its alot mellower than hickory or oak...very nice. I think for ribs or any pork I will use a 2 to 1 ratio of cherry to hickory. It should turn out very nice.
My father-in-law had 5 or 6 wild cherry trees cut down 2 years ago. That along with a few trimmed apple tree branches is all I've been using for the last year. I have a wagon full along with several of these totes and there's still alot more in his garage.


I've even resorted to burning some of it in our chimeneas. I know that's blasphemy but I can't seem to use it fast enough. Sure is a great scent during the still way too cold evenings up here though. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
I have on my property Oak, cherry, hickory,amongst other trees and thought about useing the limbs that fall from them. Mostly small sticks. Good idea or not?

Yes that will work! I do the same thing. If they are really small, you may have to add several batches of them over the first couple of hours.
Stogie, that is good to hear! Wood bought in a bag is kinda high priced around here, and with all the hardwood in these parts that seems stupid.lol

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