Wierdest Cook Yet...Any Thoughts

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Bruce Bissonnette

Had 13 people coming for dinner. Besides the pork butts from the other night I was cooking 6 slabs of baby backs today, planning on a 5:00pm feed time.

Anticipated a 4 1/2 to 5 hour cook, started with 3/4 charcoal chamber of unlit Kingsford then lit about 20 briquettes in the chimney and added them to the chamber. Two big chunks of apple and a chunk of Hickory. Sand in the pan. That was 12:00 noon. I added the slabs; 3 slabs in rack on top gate three slabs in rack on bottom grate.

At 3:00pm I had only achieved a 182 degree top grate temp. I lit another 3/4 chimney of Kingsford and added it to the WSM. My temps elevated to 210. (Wow!!)

To make a long story somewhat shorter, I cooked them in the racks for 4 hours, foiled them at 4pm until 5pm, sauced them and returned to the racks until 6pm, when I finally took them off.

Of the 6 slabs, 2 were fall off the bone tender the others were pull clean from the bone when you bit them.

I have never had BB's take 6 hours to cook. I am at a loss on how to explain this. My only thought is this...bought the charcoal from WalMart (2-20lb'ers for $9), never have bought Kingsford from there before, have always used Kingsford from Sam's. Don't know if the problem was with charcoal or not, or if it was just one of those "it's done when it's done" things.

Maybe I'm way off base, but something seems wiered with BB's taking 6 hours. Any thoughts?? /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif
I used Stogie's method yesterday which calls for 6 hrs and they were falling off the bone tender. But, I had the same problem with the Kingsford charcoal I had a terrible time getting the grate temp up to 200. Fianlly disassembled the WSM and let it get going good and hot. Finally got to hold steady at 230 after about 3 and a half hours of messing with it. I think something is going on with Kingsford charcoal. Mine came from Sam's
Hey, Bruce!

Funny how things work...I can never get my ribs done in less than 6 hrs.! LOL

You went for over 3 hrs. with temps less than 200?...I think you said 182? at 3pm. That's very low for a long time. Quite honestly, I am surprised they finished in 6 hrs.!

How much do your individual slabs weigh?
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