Why would my brisket temperature decrease?????


Justin Jaynes

New member
Hey Guys,

Been smoking my briskets (1 @ 4.1 lbs and 1 @ 3.3 lbs)this morning for about 3.5 hours. I'v got a temp prob in the 3.3 lber and it is already at 160. The lid temp has been around a solid 245 the whole time. I am a bit conerned that it is cooking too quickly. Should I expect a temp stall soon or should I be worried? Thanks for the help.

Edited to correct time in smoker
The brisket has been in for about 8 hours but over the last hour the temp has decreased by 4 (166 to 162)degrees though lid temp steady at 240. What could cause this??
That happens during the plateau. While the connective tissue is breaking down, the temps will stall or even decline. The plateau can last for several hours. Don't worry about it--that is part of the magic of Q.
My butt this morning dropped 3 degrees during a 10.5 hour plateau. Once it got through it, everything started going quickly.

