Why no WiFi connection now?


Karl Vacek

TVWBB Member
Two years ago I gave up on my old HM and bought all new from Bryan M and put it on a new RPi 3. Worked well once I got the initial setup going, and was reliable. Store it away and drag it out months later and plug it in. No problems.

Last year I didn't smoke anything at all that I remember. Long-term laryngitis last summer turned out to be what they said was sure death thyroid cancer.
Thank God the newer immunological treatments worked and I'm still here and still healing. Not allowed to swallow for a while yet, so I really don't need to do any smoking, but it's the Independence Day weekend coming up and we have a couple of briskets from the last cow we bought, so...

HM runs fine but I can't get WiFi going. Connects with an Ethernet cable but even accessing the WiFi settings is glacially slow and the HM detection site says there's a WiFi connection but no info like an IP. Doesn't show up under "Connected Devices" on either my Xfinity router or the Orbi that I mainly use (same house).

I got a newer, allegedly faster gateway last fall, but it's not actually faster and nothing else changed with my connection.

I'm an old man who used to think this sort of thing was fun, but it's not a hobby and I just want the thing to work. I can always use the 50-foot Ethernet cable I used to have to roll out with the old HM, but this one worked so well last times I used it.

Where do I start?

Thanks !!
It was actually very simple. I found a spare Micro SD card and put in the current firmware along with my Orbi WiFi info and it boots right up. Something must have happened to the previous SD card because the entire HM was glacially slow with it too, but it's back to normal now.

Except that when I set the password for the HeaterMeter I had the caps lock on and now I can't find where to reset the password. I'll get it eventually.

Happy Independence Day to all of us US members !!


