Why do you use the gas assist?

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I guess I'm just not seeing the benefit. It's no problem to me to have a stack of old Boston Globes with everything else out in the back yard, and by wadding up two sheets of newspaper and hitting it with a butane lighter, I've got the coals caught in about 90 seconds as opposed to 5-7 minutes, and I'm not having to buy or switch out propane tanks. If that's the only benefit of the Performer, I'm gonna stick with my OTS.
Originally posted by Craig Torso:
I guess I'm just not seeing the benefit. It's no problem to me to have a stack of old Boston Globes with everything else out in the back yard, and by wadding up two sheets of newspaper and hitting it with a butane lighter, I've got the coals caught in about 90 seconds as opposed to 5-7 minutes, and I'm not having to buy or switch out propane tanks. If that's the only benefit of the Performer, I'm gonna stick with my OTS.

IMHO the greatest benefit of the performer is the attached table - and the charcoal storage is nice too. I use the propane assist because it is there - and I don't have to change disposable tanks often.

However, unless the Globe has become much more inflammatory than I remember, I think that 90 seconds is a bit of an exaggeration. Again IMHO propane and newspaper take about the same amount of time - if the paper stays lit
Ah, see, the key is in leaving the paper OUTSIDE, in the same tightly-closed Rubbermaid tub the charcoal, chimney, tongs, grill brush, gloves, etc. live in. Put in one weekday edition of the Globe at the start of the season and that'll last you through the summer, but being out there means the paper turns nice and dry. (It's not enough paper to start a fire even if by some fluke a stray cinder got in there, and besides, it's isolated on a concrete patio well away from the house.) Two sheets of of this well-aged newspaper goes up like anything just by touching it with the lighter in a couple spots on the grill (and trust me, it STAYS lit), and I genuinely do have charcoal smoke and flame within 90 seconds using this technique. Generally, my coals are ready to go in about 15-20 minutes when I'm using lump and 20-25 if I'm using briquettes, and that countdown starts the second the tip of the firestick hits the paper.

In my experience, the only time you have trouble keeping the newspaper lit is if you're (1) using that day's paper (which was impregnated with ink less than 24 hours ago -- pull an older paper out of the recycle bin and it'll be drier) or (2) cramming too much paper up in there and choking off the oxygen. If you're still having problems, spray the sheets with a little Pam before you wad 'em up: that'll be more than enough accelerant, but if you're doing it right, you don't even need that.
Yo Craig - 90 seconds to start the coals. Yes I get the same results with the Philadelphia Inquirer as well, but that's just to start the coals as you note. Still takes time after that for the whole chimney to be engaged/red.

I get the same results, I.E. "coals lit" on the gas assist. You can shut the fuel off at that point. Leaving it on (this would be the same as continuing to burn paper after 2 minutes) compresses the "fully engaged" period where all coals are red/ashed up to a point. That's why I say no reason to keep the gas on after 5 min.

Much cleaner and quick with the assist, and you really aren't changing tanks often, especially if you shut the gas off as soon as the coals are started. Thing is you can get lazy or forget, but that only happened once with me. A small tank lasts a long, long, time.

Gas assist is not necessary, no - but a great convenience regardless. Very handy in middle of winter and in the rain. Also if you are lighting multiple loads after another.

Can't say I ever had trouble lighting lump in the chimney with two wads of Inquirer ;-) Chimney fully engaged in 15-20 min. On a typical summer day.
Originally posted by danmarks:
can these grills be modified to run as gas grills?
Well, If you know what you are doing, and how to do it yes they can. Buy not with the gas assist burner. You can retro fit a turkey burner in any kettle, measure twice, and twice again before you cut and drill.
I just light the coals in the two baskets instead of bothering with a chimney. In addition I ditched the charcoal bin (my garage is only feet from the grill anyway) and installed a 40 gallon (or is it lb) propane tank under the table. Those little bottles are great for camping but I'd burn through them too quickly and thats just alot of excess waste.

Speaking of grilling I've got to go through the chicken on the rotiss.
I don't have a problem with the paper. I did try those little weber cubes once and they work great. I heard you could use a cotton ball and alcohol. Never tried it,
Originally posted by Lexx Collier:
I just light the coals in the two baskets instead of bothering with a chimney.

They are ok for some uses, but in general the chimney is better in my view - especially if I am using the gas assist to light coals for the WSM or other cooker.
Considering this is a WSM board I should have qualified that I used the baskets for grilling not smoking. I do use the gas assist for lighting the chimney for smoking purposes because it is easier to dump out.
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