Why Do My Briskets Take SOOO Long?

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jeff lowe

TVWBB Super Fan
I cooked a brisket yesterday a flat about 4 lbs. I rubbed for almost two days with my own rub. Left on a nice fat cap probably slightly over 1/4 inch.

Minion method and the temps varied from 200-260 with the majority near 220-225. The temp on the grill got to 220 at 7AM and after 9.5 hours the meat was barely 170!!!

I then wrapped it in foil and opened all the vents and took a nap since I was under the weather.

Woke up 1/2 hours later and the meat was 185 so I took it out and wrapped it in towels and put it in the cooler.

An hour later I took it out and it VERY good, moist, tender, and flavorful.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jeff lowe:
[qb]I cooked a brisket yesterday a flat about 4 lbs. I rubbed for almost two days with my own rub....

[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Were your arms tired? /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

I usually cook the packer trimmed briskets which run around 10 pounds. They are usually done at about 1 1/2 hours per pound. I run the temp at the exhaust at about 250, figuring on 230-240 at the grate. A 25 or 30 degree difference in temp can make a big difference in time. Also, did you take the lid off quite a bit? That also adds a lot of time to the cook. Sounds like you got a good result, which is what really counts.
I did a flat on Saturday that weighed 5.8 pounds. It hit 185F after about 12.5 to 13 hours in the smoker. I guess I decided that 2 plus hours per pound might be a more accurate time guesstimate than the hour or hour and a half estimates I often see.

This was the first brisket I have made where I was impressed with its "moistness" and tenderness. The first 3 or 4 I did (which were over a year ago) were far too dry.
It is a very tough piece of meat, even at the size you cooked it takes hours to breakdown the conective tissue. Only time and low temps does it right. Sounds like it was a good cook and end results, CONGRATS.
It just as easy to do a bigger brisket cause you need to spend the time anyway.
Times for briskets can be very misleading!

It depends on the THICKNESS of the cut. I have had flats that cooked in under 1hr./lb. to some that went over 2hr./lb.

I do not have any magic measurements to gauge the time...just have done lots and know by looking at them about how long it will take to cook.
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