Whole Short Ribs Of Beef Help


Bob Mann

TVWBB Honor Circle
I've been wanting to do beef ribs on my WSM for a while. Today I bought a cryo of "whole short ribs of beef, flanken".

There are 4 ribs about 19" long, cut in half, and about 11" wide. There is a thick layer of meat and fat on one side.

What is the best way to cook these dinosaur ribs?

Thanks in advance,

I recently picked up some of these from costco and am interested in how to cook them. I ended up cutting most of the fat cap off as it did not cover a lot of the meat and had a lot of silver skin below it. I was thinking for covering with bacon when smoking to keep from drying out while uncovered and then foiling after about 4 hours till done. Any thoughts?

I used a basic beef rub. I cooked the ribs at 250F for 2 1/2 hours, then covered them and added a basting liquid. Cooked to 195F internal (took another 2 hours, 4 1/2 hours total). I wrapped them in towels and let them rest for an hour.
They were somewhat chewy and tough. They did have a really great flavor though!
Next time I'm gonna do 225F pit to 205F internal.

Ready for the smoker:

Ready to eat:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bob Mann:

They were somewhat chewy and tough.

Ready to eat:

Bob </div></BLOCKQUOTE>They sure do look great! I haven't had short ribs for a long time, going to have to put them on the menu very soon.
these are tough - they seem like a ribeye on a stick but they also need to be tenderized. I don't do beef ribs enough..... yours sure look good though.

