Whole Brisket Trimmed - Question


M Getty

New member
I'm doing only my 2nd brisket. My butcher only had whole briskets that were trimmed. I picked up a 7.7 pounder. This thing is trimmed down pretty thoroughly to at least 1/4 inch.

I'm trying to keep a pretty consistent cooking log, my last brisket was just over 11 pounds untrimmed and I didn't trim until after it was cooked.

Any guesstimation on what this thing may have weighed before it was trimmed? Typically, how much weight usually comes off a brisket after it's been thoroughly trimmed?

I know all briskets are different and without seeing it beforehand makes it's impossible to know exactly, but I'm open to general guesses or assumptions.


At that weight it does not sound like a "whole brisket that was trimmed". Possible though. Given the hack jobs so many "butchers" perform I would not venture a guess as to original weight. Why would you ne interested in this?
It was a flat and a point. Upon closer inspection, it was trimmed down to about 1/8". I cooked it HH yesterday, took it off at 4:05 and it was very good.

My question was more out of curiosity. I thought I read somewhere that you could lose 25% of your weight trimming to 1/4". I'm just trying to document weight, temp, and time for my logs.

It's a well respected butcher, I was just a little blown away by how much it had been trimmed.
It would depend on the brisket. Whole packer briskets have the deckle removed at the packinghouse. The might also have extraneous fat removed; might not.

I don't trim before cooking, usually at all, though occasionally i will take out a knob of fat from the side of the brisket, where point meets flat.

It is possible to lose 25% of weight from trimming.

Good your brisket turned out well!

