Who covers their water pan with tin foil ?

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I have read a few times that it could be good to cover the water pan with tin foil, I think I will probabally do this today, but want to know what people think of this.

I guess it really helps with clean up later, but just thought I would ask :-)

thanks in advance,

Did two briskets on Sunday and a Chuck Roll on Saturday. Used foil both times. Took me no longer than 10 minutes early Sunday morning to cleanup from the Saturday cook and reload for the briskets.

No worry about running out of water, easy cleanup.

Best briskets I have ever done. Wish I could have turned them in a contest. Neighbors agree.
The width of wide heavy and x-hvy foil is such that, if you cut two sheets as nearly square as you can, you can line both the inside and the outside with each. Put the bottom on first, and then the inside so it overlaps the bottom sheet rather than the other way around-- this prevents the possibility of capillary action seeping water out of the pan and potentially dripping on the coals. Try to not tear the foil as you apply it. The foil on the bottom is really only to keep you from having to scrub soot off the bottom of the pan, and is optional.
Hi Bruce,

sand in the water pan eh, can you explain that a bit ? ... I'm confused here.

Sand first, then aluminium foil.... hmm, now what does the sand do... i'm fuzzy on that one.

The water pan is supposed to provide a moist environment for the slow-cooking process. An added benefit is that it also serves as a heatsink, helping to maintain temperature in the desired range. Some folks, believing the moisture feature is over-rated, have opted to avoid the mess of greasy water clean-up post-cook, and substitute sand as a heatsink.
Hi Doug,

Thanks for clearing that up, wow.... ok now I know /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

thanks for piping in on that one /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
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