Which Genesis?

I had the previous generation Genesis 330 SE. Some people say they don't see much benefit from the sear burner, but I found that it did help. Not spectacularly but definitely an improvement. So, I can recommend it. On the other hand a larger 4-burner without it is still a very nice grill. If they are marking it down I can see going with that. My other big plug for the SE version I posted are those 9mm grates. The 4-burner is likely to have porcelain coated cast iron (likely to start chipping off) or at best 7mm stainless rods. I guess I see the one I posted as Weber's best contemporary attempt to bring some quality features while going back to an open cart at the same time.

Ok, thank you. I'm just realizing now that the SE410 only has 7mm stainless grates. It's still an upgrade from the E, but apparently not as good as the current SE models. I wonder if Weber will bring this model back and upgrade it. The SE330 is going for $950 right now. I might wait it out and hope it goes on sale and grab one, or maybe this local SE410 will drop even more. Whichever comes first.

