Where to Start

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First off let me say what an amazing resource this site is. I just ordered my first WSM smoker after reading all of the great information found here and can't wait for it to arrive.

I am wondering what would be a good first thing to try on it when it finally gets here. I was thinking about either ribs or fish. If I do ribs, I will definitely try BRITU. Fortunatley I am in SoCal so weather isn't going to be an issue. Any advice you can offer a smoking newbie would be greatly appreciated.


Between those two choices, I'd go with the ribs for a first cook.

Since you're new to fire/temperature/smoke control, the ribs with their higher fat content will be more forgiving and less likely to dry out if your temps run a little high on your shakedown cruise.

Most importantly, relax and have fun with your bullet.

Ribs get my vote. That's what I did, and the BRITU style will help boost your confidence. They're great!

I've tried fish, and haven't been happy with it yet.

Have fun. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Hi Tim & welcome to the forum. You'll learn quickly enough that this site is worth at least four WSMs.

Make that three votes for ribs. Just keep the temp between 225-250 at the grate and in four to six hours you'll be in heaven. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

Also, make sure you don't put too much rub on. Otherwise, it may come out too salty. A common complaint among those who have done BRITU. The picture in the BRITU example gives you a good idea of how much rub to apply.
Strange as it may seem,I vote for split whole chickens as a maiden voyage. The"Let's Cook"
section of the website has good info about the
prep/cooking of birds. They cook in a reasonable
length of time,they are tasty and they are cheap
(in case it doesn't turn out)
The first three times I used my WSM I did ribs. They are more expensive than chicken, but they come out better for beginners. I've read the many compplaints about the skin on smoked chickens. But on the third try I also threw on a couple chicken quarters.....I was shocked at how much more flavorful and juicy the chicken was...it was like night and day. But the skin was just as disappointing as the meat was good.
Tried grilling a little to crisp the skin, but guess I didn't grill long enough.

Anyway, I'd say start with ribs, then when you get some idea on temp control, progress to a butt.
After you've mastered the long term temp controls, I guess the skies the limit. (I'll let you know when I get there!)
Hi Tim and welcome to the forum -the worlds happiest place...has that been used before?

Being the rebel that I am...if your gonna start up the charcoal you might as well put a pork butt on too. Definately the most forgiving cut to try first time and always a croud pleaser.

If you do BRITU ribs don't overdo the rub or they will be too salty.

All the best and let us know how it goes.

Thanks all, you guys are amazing. Three hours after posting a message there are 5 replies. With resources like this I am sure whatever I decide to make will turn out great.

I will keep you all posted on how things turn out, I am currently leaning towards the ribs but may throw a few chicken quarters on the bottom rack just to try things out. No use wasting the heat if I have it.

Sorry Dave,

Make that 6 replies, you and I must have hit the post button at the same time.

Tim when I read your post I had to laugh. It was virtually identical to my first post and identical to alot of first posts I've seen since. How many of us have discovered this website, ordered our WSMs, and then couldn't wait like a kid on Christmas to get our new toy? Well, let me tell you it doesn't go away. I find myself thinking all week about what I'm gonna smoke on the weekend and I can't wait to fire up the WSM and get cooking.

My first cook was Chris's "Chicken-Chicken" recipe. It was easy, but I overdid the amount of smoke wood. I have since learned that poultry really sucks it up and less it better no matter what the meat. Cook number 2 was BRITU ribs. I have cooked the BRITU ribs many times since, but have never cooked the Chicken-chicken again. Go with the ribs for your first cook. You will love them. They are more forgiving than chicken if you use too much smoke wood. If you are like most people, you probably eat a lot of chicken anyway, but not alot of ribs. So treat yourself and cook da ribs.
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