Where do you sleep ?



Hello everyone.
I was just wondering where do u sleep during competition if you DONT have a travel trailer or RV?
Can u keep your car right there and sleep in it or set up a tent ? I know I sound like a ............ but
we all need to start somewhere.
Thank you.
Where you can park the car varies by contest. Most allow it on the site if it fits within the site size. Tents are generally ok, but if a paved area can't drive stakes in ground.
We have used a tent in the past but the last contest I did, I slept in a "gravity" chair. Not sure if that is what it is really called but basically it is a folding chair I picked up at Costco. It is obviously a full lounge chair and lays completely flat back. It was actually pretty comfortable. I was just under the canopy we had set up.
Before the trailer I would empty out the bed of the pickup ( I have a topper), put an air mattress in along with my sleeping bag and a pillow. It was very comfortable. Did that for about two years.

Some contests would give me a little grief about having the truck on the site, but when I explained that it was my storage and where I was sleeping, they always let me keep it.

Most teams have a canopy of some sort, just use a cot or as mentioned, the zero gravity chairs. We now have a travel trailer but still take the gravity chairs, they're great for sitting, reclining or even an afternoon nap :eek:
I was going to post this question myself. I did just buy one of those antigravity chairs to sleep in for my first comp, but im a little concerned about mosquitos ruining what must be an already expected interupted sleep at any comp. I was thinking of putting the chair into a camping tent or maybe hanging a mosquito net from my EZ-up tent and have that cover the chair.
Just sleep downwind of your smoker, natural mosquito repellant:D If it's warm enough have a little fan blowing on you. ThermaCells work quite well also.
Living in Florida I can tell you all about mosquitos. Funny thing is that I've never had any problem with them at competitions. If there's enough teams around and the wind isn't blowing too hard, I guess it's the smoke that keeps them away. I've slept in my zero-grav a couple of times and never had a problem. Chair, blanket, pillow, and I'm good to go.

What do you mean by sleep? lol. I prefer to toss and turn, have nightmares of missing turn ins and then about 5 min before you have to be up to do something, finally feel tired
I usually try to get a few hours in the back of my van, even if it isn't parked right at our site. At Westmont last year it was warm and pleasant (at night, it hit 100* the next day) so we put out our air mattresses right on the pavement.

Our latest trick which allows us to get more sleep is to start the butts the night before on the WSM. Then we fire up the
big stick burner at 0430 or 0500. That way neither of us has to be up all night feeding the fire every 20 - 30 minutes. We
each got 4 - 5 hours sleep, better than usual.
Thank you so much everyone for your input. I like the zero gravity chairs idea and eazy up . Its nice to know that Im not the only
one with this concern.
Once again Thank you.
We started competing using a tent, upgraded to a 20 year old pop-up camper, and last year got a Jayco Jayflight, but plenty of folks just use the anti-graavity lounger under thier EZ-up

If you have tent, we got by on concrete by filling small HD paint buckets with conrete, with an eye bolt stuck in it. Tie wrapped the stake holes to the eye bolts, and the tent stayed put

