Where do they hide the serial number


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024

Just picked up a silver b for $20.00 at an estate sale, dirty but very little use. I would like to call Weber and find out when it was made, but I can't find the serial number. Anyone know where to look?

Thanks in advance for any help.
under the gas knob plate.


Thanks for the reply. I thought I had read that somewhere also and I did look there, but nothing. I actually have two of these and there isn't anything under the gas plate on my other one, althought its an older version.
On the really old ones it is on the side of that plate. More times than not though you'll never be able to read it. Over the years, heat, weather, occasional fires from carelessness tend to obliterate it. There were only really two body styles of the more "squared off" Genesis. The first design with a very deep box and dual rows of bars and the second design with a single row and shallower. Other than the ignitor on the VERY early designs all the internals are same for the dual row units and all the same for the single row units. The burners between the two designs are not interchangeable as because of the shallower cook box they were different lengths. Also the valve spacing is different
On the really old ones it is on the side of that plate. More times than not though you'll never be able to read it. Over the years, heat, weather, occasional fires from carelessness tend to obliterate it. There were only really two body styles of the more "squared off" Genesis. The first design with a very deep box and dual rows of bars and the second design with a single row and shallower. Other than the ignitor on the VERY early designs all the internals are same for the dual row units and all the same for the single row units. The burners between the two designs are not interchangeable as because of the shallower cook box they were different lengths. Also the valve spacing is different

Thanks for the info, I did find it by going to the Weber site and using "where to find your serial #" its on the end of the control panel between the plastic end piece that holds the tools and the valve panel. Not the best place to hide it you have to unscrew the valve panel and lift it to see it. You're right could barley read it but did find that its a silver B made in 2004. I also have it's cousin the one with the two levels of bars same color. I bought it new in 1994 and did a complete rebuild three years ago with all custom stainless flavorizer bars and grates and stripped it down (except the top) new paint, wheels, shelves etc. I made a new grill out of it because it cooks so well, I'll keep that one forever.

Lets see the '94 as well! I have one from that era I need to get going on rehabbing... I looked for the serial # on that one but its completely faded away.

