When trimming St. Louis style...


Kirk Boorman

TVWBB Super Fan
Do you guys cut along the line formed by the intersection of the rib bones and the cartilage tips or do you just start at that point at one end of the rack and square them up? That is to say, do you have any portion of the cartilage tips on your finished product or is it all bone?
I do mine pretty much this way . I do try to remove the cartlidge tips from the lower part of the rack so I end up with just meat and bone.

I guess I do it the same way Paul, what prompted my question was this as seen in this thread on the TexasBBQ forum. I generally am left with meat and bone, but it seems like such a waste. I know people say that the trimmings can be a tasty snack, but how do you cook 'em? I do them like I would do the ribs, but I just don't like how they come out.
If by the tips, they're talking about the thin section of meat at the lower end of the rib, I do cut them off. I cook them, along with the skirt meat on the top grate for about 1.5 hours. They come off very delicious and are quickly consumed. Now the breast bone, itself, is another thing. I cook them along with the slabs for the same length of time. They are chewy, full of cartlidge and not my favorite.

I've never had to worry about the breastbone since the ribs I get from Sam's are alreaady trimmed there, but there's still so much waste (at least 35 - 40% by weight) I wondered what it would be like to do 'em like that other guy does.
Originally posted by Kirk Boorman:
... but there's still so much waste (at least 35 - 40% by weight) ...QUOTE]

Waste? Them's the best part! Tips are great! Smoke 'em for little bit, then simmer 'em in sauce. Fabulous!

As for the rest, smoke, then stick in a pot of beans (including breast bone, if you have one). It'll add a smokiness and pork flavor that's delicious.
Maybe now I see what they're talking about. Yes, I do trim or cut that part so the slab is squared off. I also cook that section, which has a lot of cartlidge. I don't think its that great. I haven't thought about trying to cut the cartlidge out of that section. Apparently that is what is being referred to a "rib tips", not the tail end of the slab or the skirt meat - sorry for my confusion.

I prefer to get my spares at Sams where the breast bone is removed, but last time I got them at a supermarket at what I thought was a good price. However since the breast bone wasn't trimed, I didn't get a very good bargain.

I save the trimmings in the freezer. After a few racks, I do them either in the WSM, or just offset them in the kettle with some wood added. I really spice them up the way I like ribs, but the rest of the family will say to much spice. It's for when they are away, or just a treat for myself!
Smoke the trimmings. Debone them and freeze. Thaw them and use them for the pork in your Brunswick Stew when you've collected enough. Ummmm.. GOOD!!

Definately debone these babies. you can make one nice piece from each tip you remove. I treat mine like regular ribs for the rub, but then I skewer them and cook them for a couple of hours before eating them sneakily by the smoker. i usually cut them into snacks and serve the masses while they wait patiently for the good stuff. These are excellent, really. Don't throw them away!

