What's the easiest way of installing packages from the linkmeter build environment?


Dave Casazza

Built new platform, flashed ok.
Able to log-in, LinkMeter Pit graphic is shown, so all looks good.

Any easy way of installing new packages (that were built from the menu menuconfig (exit and save); make environnment)?

Host a web service and use opkg to install the packages from a web service (a lot of work).
sftp over the packages and install from local mount? (not much space available, also need to get sftpd installed and running).

Anything easy?


I build on Linux so I just have a symlink to the bin/(target) directory in my vhost root (/var/www/.). I usually open a web browser on the machine I'm working from and navigate to the package list and right-click "Copy link location" and then do the opkg install (paste).

For individual files I'm working on, like libiwinfo.so, I scp them from the build machine like:
scp bmayland@bacon:openwrt-rpi/build_dir/targetblahblahblah/iwinfo/libiwinfo.so /usr/lib/.

For scripts and such I work on them on the target device then scp them back to the build machine when I'm done and ready to test as a package.
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