What's the best wood to use to smoke ribs?

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Try hickory should be easy to get in your area, if you can get pecan try that. I know a great cook in your area of the world that swears by peach.
Hey there,

I started out with a mixture of oak and hickory, which was in itself very tasty. Since then I have been using a mixture of apple and cherry, which in everyone's opinion who has enjoyed my learning curve, loves the apple and cherry combo head and shoulders above the oak and hickory. Try that and you won't be sorry....Big Ir
hickory is very good... not to mention easy to get in your area.. you may try apple, especially if you plan to baste with cider!!!!
steve, the best I've used on any pork is surgar maple. Pecan and hickory are good too.

Dave - not a gator fan
Hi Steve,

I have always used 2 fist size chunks of hickory and 3 fist size chunks of oak. I settled upon this combination after several others.


Many members here feel mesquite is for grilling and not for smoking. I have used apple, cherry, and hickory and loved them all equally.
Mesquite may be too bitter for a smoke. It's also one the those flavors, that either you love it or you hate it. Mild fruit woods appeal to the masses. My family hated mesquite, which I love for grilling, and decided that meant they hated all smoked foods. Then I made the BRITU with fruit woods and they absolutely love it.
Good luck, I hope this helped.
Just about all the material I've read suggest that Mesquite is for beef only because of the strengh of the smoke....Dwight
Mesquite... bbbllllleeeccccccchhh! I do NOT like the flavor it gives, and it's available all over the place around here. We use straight pecan logs for ribs in the trailer rig, and I prefer to use cherry and/or apple pellets in the WSM. I did one batch with all sugar maple which were very nice too. Mesquite and I just don't get along. And if I'M the one doin' the cookin', if Mama don't like it, ain't NOBODY gettin' it. <big grin>

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time (but NOT with mesquite)
Thanks for the heads up.

I guess it will just be hickory then, I can't think of any local places that i can get apple or cherry wood.

oh well..wish me luck
Our Gander Mountain (Lansing, MI) carries bags of apple and cherry chips. Might try there if you have one close.
The ribs came out great!! Invited my brother over and a friend, there was 6 of us total. 4 slabs were gone in no time. They were really impressed that it was my first time.

I'll have pics later.

Back to the party..
Mesquite is good to use for just about anything! .
I have had good results with just about any type of smokewood used in moderation. But I would go easy on the mesquite! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
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