What year is this grill approximately?

Thanks. The seller wants $175 for it. I’m on the fence as just yesterday I took delivery of a Genesis II SE-410. I do really like it though.
My Platinum II is a 1996 3200 series model.


The grill pictured is 3400 series Platinum, the only difference being the enclosed bottom with the doors.I think Weber only made that style Platinum for 2-3 years in the mid-90s.

I gotta agree with Kevin from your other post-
Get the serial # off the grill and check it out. That might be a Natural Gas model converted to Propane. Check with the seller, ask some questions.

That is a very sweet grill. Those Platinums used the Summit frame, and in this case the Summit closed in cart. It seems that these don’t get offered cheap (or even free:o) like regular Genesis grills of the same era, even though internally the grilling apparatus is identical. $175 might be ok if it is nice inside and there aren’t any conversion issues. Compared to a new Genesis II SE-410 you will have less grilling space but the E-W burner set up will give you options the front control burner arrangement doesn’t. It could actually be a very complimentary pair:cool:!

Now, if you are married, you just have to sell your wife on the idea:rolleyes:!
That is a very sweet grill. Those Platinums used the Summit frame, and in this case the Summit closed in cart. It seems that these don’t get offered cheap (or even free:o) like regular Genesis grills of the same era, even though internally the grilling apparatus is identical. $175 might be ok if it is nice inside and there aren’t any conversion issues. Compared to a new Genesis II SE-410 you will have less grilling space but the E-W burner set up will give you options the front control burner arrangement doesn’t. It could actually be a very complimentary pair:cool:!

Now, if you are married, you just have to sell your wife on the idea:rolleyes:!

Thanks! I am already working on my sales pitch but she’s normally pretty reasonable.

You mention that is has the same frame as the Summit. Does that mean it’s stainless steel? The black paint made me think otherwise.
Thanks! I am already working on my sales pitch but she’s normally pretty reasonable.

You mention that is has the same frame as the Summit. Does that mean it’s stainless steel? The black paint made me think otherwise.

No Stainless Steel Frame. What Jon is referring when he says the Summit frame is the extra beefy vertical frame pieces, they measure 2 1/2" wide and were used on the Summit frames of that generation.

Thanks! I am already working on my sales pitch but she’s normally pretty reasonable.

My wife tries to be understanding, but after my pile of unfinished projects reached a tipping point, her patience has understandably worn thin:(. It is up to me to get some projects done and resist buying anymore until the inventory is under control. Not easy, because great deals do keep popping up:rolleyes:!

