what to do with a free 18.5" daisy wheel kettle?


Dan Godwin

TVWBB Member
I grabbed a free weber kettle grill tonight off the curbside of the road. It's a early '90's 3 daisy wheel kettle in pretty rough shape. I was hoping to restore it, but once I got it home, I was able to look at it closer, and realized that it may be too far gone.

The biggest concern is that there's a hole in the bottom of the kettle at one of the leg joints. The kettle bottom and lid both have other rust spots as well. 2 of the 3 vents on the bottom are also rusted open.

I was able to get the bowl back into round, and straightened a bend in the lip of the lid, so they match up well. The legs are in decent shape, but one of the wheels looks like it might've had a run in with a lawn mower. The charcoal grate and ash catcher look ok, about the only things not needing replacement. The cooking grate definitely needs replacing.

I have a 18.5" one touch red head all ready, so restoring this is not a necessity. So I'm open to suggestions. Fix it up anyways? Put it back out on the curb after I salvage the few parts that are usable? Turn it into a ??? Thanks, as always.
Here's what i did with my old 18.5 Kettle

