What do kids drink?


Burt Alcantara

New member
We're having about 25 adults and at least 6 kids, ages unknown, for a BBQ. We don't have kids nor do we associate with people who have kids. Drinks for the adults in a no brainer but we're stumped about the kids.

Any suggestions?

They drink soda mostly, ice tea (Snapple brand) lemonade, water. I don't have kids either, just mostly going by what other parents have at their BBQs. Hope this helps.
My kids and their friends drink ice tea - specifically Arnold Palmer Half & Half ice tea/lemonade. Water bottles also a great idea.
Babies...the parents will bring what they need, or should.

Toddlers...juice boxes and bottled water.

Pre-teens...soda, water, tea, lemonade, juice boxes.

Teens...same as pre-teens AND watch your beer
Red Bull for all. Just kidding.... Soda, and suprising, Water bottles. My teens also like Propel. Kinda like a weak gatoraid.
A few people mentioned soda for kids. Just note that there are sodas with caffein and sodas w/o. If you go down the soda path, to be save, get the non-caffein stuff (root beer and Sprint/7UP type drinks).

