What can go wrong, will go wrong.


Stuart S

It's my BIl's birthday today and when my sister asked him what he wanted to do for dinner he asked her if I'd be willing to cook ribs for him. Of course I was happy to oblidge, he's a great guy and I love to cook ribs so I instantly said yes.

I decided to use the performer and smokenator since I haven't used the WSM I picked up last night and I've turned out some good ribs on the kettle more than a few times.

Wanted to get the ribs on at 11:00 and had nothing but problems getting my starter coals lit and the kettle is taking it's sweet time coming up. Temp just hit 200 at the grate so 4 racks about to go on. I'm going to run wide open without water for a while to see if I can get the temps up and eat a a semi-reasonable time tonight.

Just when you think you've got it down...
Stuart, I don't have a kettle, but when I need to really push the temps on my WSM, I offset the lid a quarter inch or so. It really helps the draft.

Can you do anything like that with your kettle?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Charles Howse:
Stuart, I don't have a kettle, but when I need to really push the temps on my WSM, I offset the lid a quarter inch or so. It really helps the draft.

Can you do anything like that with your kettle? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey Charles, I ended up doing just that to get the temp higher...but it came at the cost of fuel. The smokenator is designed to eat 8 coals an hour and I usually get 6-7 hours out of a load of wicked good. I got just under 5 today. Ended up pulling the ribs at 190 and putting them in foil in the oven to finish while I smoked some crash hots. The meal worked out, but I'm going to dry run my WSM tomorrow so I can get a feel for it before my next smoke.

