What Brand Hot Dogs?

Grilled or smoked hot dogs are just fine with me. But if you want a hot dog cart type of "snap", IMO the dogs have to be simmered in water or started and kept in a steam table container.
Thats how we do it for a Chicago style dog.

Our local grocer had NONE of the aformentioned hot dogs! :-( I ended up purchasing the store-brand natural casing franks which turned out to be unremarkable in their snap. :-(

I'm going to broaden my search parameters to the surrounding area to see if I can score some of these dogs that have been recommended.
Geez Joe, I am shocked they did not have Nathans. That is a huge NY/NJ hot dog. I am from NJ. They even have them here in Michigan! Good luck in your search, let us know what you find. Now I want a grilled hot dog!
Hummel Brothers Hot Dogs! They have best dogs in the world. Google them, they do not have a website, just read the reviews. They are a family owned company based out of New Haven, CT. You can order them thru Sam's Club online and other online retailer or get them in CT or Downstate NY. I know Shop Rite/Giant carry them. I just back from NY, roadtrip, and brought back 5 packages with me. All the hot dog stands in CT use Hummel Brothers.
I would think that N.Y. would have a great selection. If you can't find anything, Paulina Meat Market in Chi-Town has some high quality stuff. Plus if you search, I am sure you can find those Vienna Beef dogs I mentioned earlier. You won't be disappointed.
Yes, the Hummels are really good, all over the place here in CT. Another local brand we like is Grote & Wiegel. Sabretts and Mucke's make a good dog too...natural casing all the way
Originally posted by Ron G.:
I find that although they are not technically "hot dogs" or weiners, I prefer natural casing Frankfurters, and even better yet, those that have been smoked.

IMHO - Usinger's, a local sausage maker, makes all-beef franks that are mighty hard to beat. When grilled, they get nice and crisp on the outside / JUICY on the inside. These are about 3/4 the diameter of a Bratwurst (get some FAT buns), and have some garlic in them. Check-out the following link:


Think of me as "Sam", and these as MY version of "Green Eggs and Ham"...

If you're ever in / near the Milwaukee area, there are plenty of good sausage makers (many rural grocers make their own). But as for commercially-available products, give Usinger's a whirl if you get the chance.

i haven't seen usingers hot dogs, but i LOVE their bratwurst. totally spanks johnsonville
I've tried most of the ones suggested and they are very good. But...

The best hot dogs I've ever had were Omaha Steaks brand of Goumet Franks.
Yes, they are expensive. Yes, you buy them online. Yes, they are frozen and shipped to you in a dry ice cooler. But all I can say is they are just the best tasting hot dog ever. You will be spoiled for life after having just one dog.
I've served them to friends and they just can't believe how good they are.

Just my 2 cents on the subject
Originally posted by Regina S:
Geez Joe, I am shocked they did not have Nathans. That is a huge NY/NJ hot dog. I am from NJ. They even have them here in Michigan! Good luck in your search, let us know what you find. Now I want a grilled hot dog!

They carried Nathans and Hebrew National skinless hotdogs but carried neither brand with natural casings.

There was however quite a varied selection of Oscar Mayer weiners.
I'm going to check out Walmart on my way home this evening. They're bound to have a better selection.
GFS or Gordan Food Service also carry's a pretty decent all beef frank. Can't tell you who makes them, but I read anywhere from Vienna to Usinger's or others.

OK ... a reply from the west ...

Nathan's can be found here in local groceries (mega and regional) -- didn't notice if they had casings or not. Do remember liking them better than the usual national brands, but ...

I'm partial to the SF Giants Hot Dogs made by Alpines. http://www.alpinemeats.com/ Don't remember/Didn't notice if they had a casing or not. Just remember to liking them.

More often than not, I prefer Saag's sausages, http://www.saags.com/, but that's a different topic all together ....
Casper's hotdog's has the casing's. I had alpine and belive they did too, But if i want great dog's i get them from the Oldd tymee deli's in the Bay Area or surronding area's.

