What are ABT's??

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Ron F

What are these ABT's I keep reading about on this and biggreenegg site? Where is there a recipe? I searched biggreenegg and this site and cannot find a recipe.....from reading many posts it looks like this is one of the best things to make......

ABTs are "Atomic Buffalo Turds" They are jalapeno peppers stuffed with cream cheese, smoked meat, bbq rub and often other things, and wrapped with a slice of bacon. Here is a link to one of the ABT threads in the recipes section: ABTs my version A search for "ABTs" will turn up other recipes but the basic ingredients are the same.
Thanks Dave... I think I'm going to whip up some of these for my SO's family on Thanksgiving. Also gonna do some smoked salmon. My WSM is brand new(week and a half and still hasn't been fired up)so tommorrow is going to be my first time using it....

I'm putting together a batch for Turkey Day as well. I keep my ABTs simple: Just 1/2 jalap, stuffed with cream cheese and bbq rub for flavor and color and wrapped in 1/2 strip of bacon (cut lengthwise) and held together with a toothpick which later acts as the handle for eating. I smoke them until the bacon is cooked. It won't get crispy on the WSM, but it will be cooked. I just throw them on with whatever meat I happen to be cooking at the time so my WSM temps vary. This time it will be with my turkey, so my temps will be in the 325-350 range. They should be done in less than an hour (How much less I don't know yet)
Just served up 5 dozen at the office Thanksgiving party and they didn't last long.

I like to use a pretty high percentage of sharp cheddar with just enough cream cheese to make it spreadable at room temp. It seems to keep the cheese in the pepper instead of melting out.

The first time I made 'em I wrapped the bacon nice and tight. They looked nice and tidy until they were cooked. Bacon shrinks as it cooks and the tight wrap basically squeezed the cheese right on out. The lesson learned was to wrap the bacon loosely.

ABT's seems like one of those recipes that will always be changing and getting better.

Have fun!
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