What’s your biggest or most memorable barbecuing oops?

I'm a " If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a noise?"
Same with BBQ that hits the ground.
Worst one for me was a few frozen butts. Smeared with mustard and rubbed on a full pan.
Walked out the patio door and they where like hockey pucks on ice, both slid off on the ground.
4.30 in the am, no witnesses.. A quick rinse and on the smoker.
Not me.
But when my mom was a newlywed housewife in 1963 she cooked a meatloaf.
The pan she cooked it in came with a lid, and she put it in the oven with that lid on it.

The lid was made of plastic. It melted
Unfortunately, my biggest oops was stepping on a hot coal last year. Wear shoes, especially when using lump charcoal.
Happy Fourth everyone!
I often go out to tend the fire or meat barefooted. Thought I'd learned better but yesterday had several embers pop pout and land on my feet while dumping a chimney full of lump int the charcoal baskets. I will say that it wasn't as bad as the time I did the same thing with just socks on. The ember stuck to the socks and had me inventing new dance steps. Ouch!
I'm a " If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a noise?"
Same with BBQ that hits the ground.
Worst one for me was a few frozen butts. Smeared with mustard and rubbed on a full pan.
Walked out the patio door and they where like hockey pucks on ice, both slid off on the ground.
4.30 in the am, no witnesses.. A quick rinse and on the smoker.
Same with a dog licking the food waiting to be put on the grill......we had dog even steal chicken off grill once
I have one about my SIL. One of my brothers and I popped into our other brother's home for a free cocktail one evening. As he was pouring the drinks, he told us they had baked ham for supper and that his wife had forgotten to unwrap it before cooking. We didn't believe him when he told us how good it was, but after demolishing what was left over, we agreed that it was quite juicy.
Okay, I haven't read all the posts, so this may/may not be redundant:

1) I smoked turkey over oak for my bowling league. So? So, I showed up with two nicely smoked, tasty turkeys. My team captain showed up with two turkeys that reeked of Matchlight. What hurt is nobody liked mine, but the Matchlight turkey went fast. Says something about somebody... lol

2) smoking a brisket on a stick smoker, almost done, late in the day, the wife and I decided we could go to Dairy Queen and get a couple of Peanut Buster Parfaits. By the time we got home the neighbors had called the fire department.

That's all I'm fessing up to today.
Another stepping on hot coals story:

My wife came out, barefooted, with a platter of food to go on the grill. As I turned to put the food on the grill, she stepped on a hot coal and tried to get rid of it by scuffing her foot on the ground while yelling "Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!" She held the platter steady for me just the same, but I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

Karma being what it is, some time later I stepped on a hot coal while barefooted and found out just how unfunny that is. Yeah, I deserved it.
Another stepping on hot coals story:

My wife came out, barefooted, with a platter of food to go on the grill. As I turned to put the food on the grill, she stepped on a hot coal and tried to get rid of it by scuffing her foot on the ground while yelling "Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!" She held the platter steady for me just the same, but I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

Karma being what it is, some time later I stepped on a hot coal while barefooted and found out just how unfunny that is. Yeah, I deserved it.
Yeah you did.:p
Yeah you did.:p
What made it so funny is that my wife doesn't curse in normal conversation. Surprised at hearing her curse, as I turned to look at her, it took a few seconds for it to dawn on me what had happened. It was like she was trying to do a one-legged moonwalk and hold the platter steady at the same time. I think most people would have thrown the platter up in the air!
What made it so funny is that my wife doesn't curse in normal conversation. Surprised at hearing her curse, as I turned to look at her, it took a few seconds for it to dawn on me what had happened. It was like she was trying to do a one-legged moonwalk and hold the platter steady at the same time. I think most people would have thrown the platter up in the air!
Yeah, I would have. I wasn’t carrying anything when I did it, and I dragged my foot too. What else was I supposed to do? 20 millseconds into it, as the coal stuck to my foot, my instinct kicked in and I dragged it to get it to come loose.

