Well, I did it. WSM ordered

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Mike Rockwood

Yes, I caved in. I went to Amazon using the link from this site and ordered the WSM, and a chimney. It sounded like a deal too good to pass up. This is a change from my Brinkmann Gourmet electric.

I'm figuring I can use the body from my Brinkmann, stacked in line with the WSM for additional cooking area.

A new toy to play with!
Good for you!!! You won't be disappointed. I am still amazed with how well my WSM works.

So what are you going to Q first?
Good question. It's still a ways before it'll be delivered, but I've got a few butts in the freezer that I picked up on sale. So, that's what it'll probably be. After picking up some Kingsford charcoal briquettes, of course.
Hey Mike,
Your WSM will be here sooner than you think...Amazon always ships earlier than they say for me...
You will not miss the Brinkmann Electric...thats what I smoked on before too...I honed a lot of my skill but the WSM is the best. With thermometers (you did order those right?) you will be amazed at how long the smoker will run...

You're going to love your WSM.

This weekend I cooked 2 butts and was able to maintain 225 - 250 for 10 hours.

I was able to cook the butts to 194 degrees and 185 degrees respectively in 9 hours. I cooked them to 160 degrees and foiled them until finished. (I know for some here that's a dirty word, but hey DrBBQ of Bonesmokers does it so it must be ok).
PrestonD is correct.. I just got my "shipped notification" from Amazon after just ordering it very recently (1 or 2 days ago). And I asked them for the "slow boat to china " process to save on shipping. They are not even going to charge me extra eventhough they shipped sooner than they orginally said they were going to.
I already have 2 Polders, as well as a number of "Stemmed" thermometers, so I should be all set with those.

I have had no problem using the electric. It has worked flawlessly and I've turned out some good stuff using it. As far as length time goes, I have yet to have the electric go out on me without a butt finishing. That thing cooks for days using the "Edison Method". No dis-respect to Jim Minion intended. ~grin

I'm planning to do up the butts this weekend for a 50th b-day party. If the WSM shows up in time, all the better.

My decision was based not on the inadequacy of the Brinkmann, but more on the portability of a charcoal unit.
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