Well....going to get my first 2 projects.


M Halle

TVWBB Member


Thats the first grill. He says it in perfect working condition.

This one was listed for parts...but said the firebox and frame is rust free.

I am picking up the pair for a combined $60. I have to travel about 2 hours away to STL to get them, but we are gonna make it a fun day while down there with the family. Gonna take kids to zoo and science center. So...how do you guys think I did on this pick? Overpay...under...or just about right? The plan it to cook on the good one till I find a red on that I want. I want to refab both of them.
$30 each seems like a good deal to me. So ones NG and the other LP? Looks like the LP one is missing the flip up table unless you can find a used one they run around $75. If you're going to flip it that would be an investment you won't get your money back on if you buy a new one and I think but not positive the're only available in durawood. You can swap out the manifolds to use whatever you want to the nicer one.
Looking forward to seeing your results.
The one with the long hose is NG (or someone stuck a NG hose on a propane grill) I see idiots on CL selling Webers saying they are either type by just switching the hose.
It is ng. O well. Gonna change it over. It's it very expensive...and where do I get those manifolds at. I even got all new burners and crossover tube. Never installed.
Sorry for all these question Rich. But is that all that's different? Are the burners the same? If they are...I could just rob the one and put it into the ng grill?
No problem it's always better to ask questions then to get yourself hurt by guessing. There are lots of experienced knowledgeable people on here that are more then happy to help.

Yep the burners are the same, they both look like Genesis 1000s so it should be an easy swap. I bought a new NG manifold for my 1000 XL but I was able to get an E320 NG in mint condition for a little more than the cost of the manifold.

I sold the manifold to a forum member in Australia.

Going forward remember a LP will have a hose with a regulator and a NG will just have a long hose.
If it dosen't have a hose look to see if it has the scale for a bottle that would be a good indication it's LP if no scale more then likley a NG, but even then always make sure which it is before you put any gas to it.
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Well...went to get the 2 grills today...and what ended up happening? I ended up bringing 3 home. As I was driving home I got a craigslist notification about this grill...and it was on my way home. FREE to whoever wanted to pick it up. Would be sitting by the road. So when over and scooped it up. I feel really good about me $60 I spent today now. :)
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Very cool! You did great on the first two and now scored a 3rd for free! That last one looks like it had a side burner. Was it with the grill?
No side burner. Just another wooden shelf. I am gonna get started on all the disassembly tomorrow. Wanna start with trying to figure out what I actually have here. This is my first...or should I say first 3 go arounds. lol Don't even know what series these are.
I know that is where the side burner usually goes...do you think it is missing and someone just made the insert...or was that an option?
Well that should give you enough parts to make a nice grill for yourself and two to pay for your time and effort. Looking forward to seeing the rehabs.
How do I figure out what I have if the serial number isn't readable? I cant read it on any of the three grills?
How do I figure out what I have if the serial number isn't readable? I cant read it on any of the three grills?

Call the weber customer service 800# they will at least get you to the right model.

If you don't see a connection for the side burner on the bottom of the manifold then it probably never had one.
The frames are slightly different but one may fit in yours. Keep a lookout for a burned out grill with a good side burner.
I may try to mod a 13bar redhead 3000 frame to hold one.
I have a strictly flipping question. I would like to make these grills look and work as much like new as I can. If i understand what you guys are saying...the most you can expect to get for these is $150-$200. Since I am planning on flipping 2 of these and keeping the other(until I find a red one)...from a flipping standpoint, should I just put the cheaper flavor bars in these grills. I know that stainless will last the longest...but it's also the highest. Am I wrong for looking at it like this?

