Welding Blanket Question


Wes G

New member
First time using a welding blanket on an overnight smoke tonight. I've got a 6'x8' welding blanket and had folded in half (4' tall) and wrapped around my 18.5" WSM. I then readjusted the blanket to pretty much a bit above the lid lip. The blanket has a 1000°F melt temp. Worried it was too covered up. I have no experience with this and just need my fears put to rest that this thing won't catch on fire tonight. The blanket does touch the smoker a bit in some parts. What do y'all experts say? I've got my maverick set to alarm me should it go above 275°. Thanks for the help.


I don't use flickr, so I don't really know if it gives you an image address to copy. However, I did poke around and get:


The code is https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5550/12374807163_c8a0c6b6fb_h.jpg[\img] the backslash \ should be replaced with the forward slash /

I believe that you can also quote this to see what I put in.

Yes, there it is. Thanks! Here's what I had it like before readjusting. Any ideas on my questions above anyone? Thank you in advance.
My idea with an insulation blanket is to have it standing off a few inches from touching. We really don't need to "insulate" as much as we need a windbreak.

Just a thought...

Keep on smokin',
Right. It is definitely not a snug or tight fit. The blanket is pretty stiff so just wondering if some parts were touching, though it's not optimal. Thanks!

