Weight loss of pork butt

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Jim Babek

I was just looking at Stogie's site and begain to wonder...how much weight will I loose through cooking the butt. Its 8.22 lbs now. Is there a hard and fast rule ie...1/2 or 1/3 or does it vary from cut to cut?

You will lose about 1/2..that is for a bone-in one. The bone itself weighs 1 lb. after cooking. I have not seen much variance from cut to cut.

I haven't measured it in a long time..but most reports I see are still talking about losing 40-50?.

By planning on 50% loss, if you come in at only a 40% loss, you are ahead of the game and won't run short.

Pretty sure Doug D/Stogie will disagree with me, butt to smoke a shoulder/pork with anything other then hickory is blasphemy. LOL

I usually use pecan and apple or pecan and hickory, straight hickory is a little strong for my taste, but I've done it that way. It's all personal preference. I steer away from pine or evergreen though. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Hey, Mike.....

I agree with you! Of course, that just happens to be the free wood I am using currently.


To be honest, my taste buds ain't very sensitive. I tend to think smoke is smoke and there are only subtle differences......except for that dreaded mesquite! I'm willing to bet on a large roast like a butt...it won't make too much difference.
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