Weber summit 650 NG to LP

Yeah, I know, but you are going to run into yahoos that will tell you how easy it is and all you gotta do is...and then when it doesn't work right some unscrupulous people, and I'm not saying that's you, but some people will turn around and dump it on some unsuspecting person on CL. If you know what to look for you can kind of tell on some but not others. I can post pictures. Sorry for the tirade.
Aaron, this topic comes up a lot, and it's not terribly complex to do a conversion, but please, don't do anything if you don't know or thoroughly understand what it is you are doing and why you are doing it. These are highly flammable and potentially explosive gases you are using and it only takes a split second to change your life forever. Sorry for being so stern but here's the thing...for every member who posts here, there's probably 10 non-members that read but don't post. We try to discourage people from doing the "quick and dirty" method out of concern for the safety of all.

