Weber SmokeFire on Amazon Prime for...

That is a whopper of a price. Maybe some of the people with more expert opinions and experiences with actually using it can chime in. Both good and bad. But at only $475 it almost seems like a gamble worth taking.
Buy! And hang on to the WSM just in case of a power outage./
I got two salmon fillets going on my EX6 second gen.
Probes are in, sitting in the ac and monitoring temps while having a beer.
Easy peasy, and I was a diehard charcoal only no ATC damnit or pellet pooper lol.
Don't get me wrong I still lOve my charcoal cookers but a pellet cooker has it's place especially at a great price.
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First of all, good call on keeping your kettle. If power goes out and you need to cook your meat before it goes bad, a pellet grill isn't going to help. I probably would keep my WSM as well for some versatility. Secondly, I wouldn't get a SmokeFire. I have been waiting on Weber to send me a new auger for over a month now because replacement parts are really hard to find. I would assume that problem is only going to get worse as time goes on. Also as Bruno points out, they made many improvements from the lessons they learned with the SmokeFire. It is a great deal in the short-term, but in the long-term the Searwood would be the better buy.

