Weber Skyline Series Rehab


Jeffrey Gordon

New member
Hi. I was tired to putting in new burners on my $99 sunbeam (from 1987) so I purchased a Weber Skyline Series 1200 (Genesis made for Sears), off of Craigs List and have started a rehab trying to get it back in good shape. I don't think the firebox was ever cleaned; so far I have tried a citrus cleaner (I know Weber says not to but soap and water just didn't do anything). I wirebrushed most of the stuff off, but there's still a lot caked on. Anyone know anything else I can try to get the caked on baked on grease off of the walls of the firebox? The lid, had the grease that looked like pealing paint, I got most of that off, can I use a brillo pad to get the rest? The grill was made in 1999 but the burners seem to be in good shape and the flaverizer bars, tho rusted, are in good shape as well. I ordered new cast iron cooking grates since the ones on there had some rust on them. Please let me know if anyone has any info on what I can use to get the rest of the gunk out of the firebox. Thanks.
I used oven cleaner on my 96 Genesis and then a wire brush on a drill. Don't know how Weber feels about that but it worked. I did apply the ocean cleaner three times. Also used my high pressure washer on it. Looks great now. Good luck.
The firebox should be cast aluminum so you can do just about anything to it except paint it. If oven cleaner doesn't work, run up to Harbor freight and get a $15 angle grinder ;). When finished, season the surface with some oil (or Pam) and fire it up.

On the upper lid, use razor blade to strip away the carbon buildup.

