Weber Simple Pizza Sauce


Richard Garcia

TVWBB All-Star
Yesterday I attended a three(3) hour "Weber Grill Academy" Pizza Course given here in San Jose, Costa Rica in which I really enjoyed and learned a few things in preparing a variety of pizzas for both the charcoal and gas grills. The following is a pretty good simple recipe for a Weber tomato pizza sauce in which I am translating from the Spanish language:

For 4 Portions:

1 Lb Ripe Tomatoes
6 Garlic Cloves
Small piece of sliced onion or to your liking
3 1/2 Tablespoons Tomato Paste
10 Fresh Basil Leaves
1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Teaspoon Oregano
Your call on adding salt,black pepper and sugar

Preparation Steps:

1. Prepare your grill for medium temperature(350 degrees to 450 degrees F or 117 C to 232 C). Place a Metal Canister for Veggies on the lighted grill in order to heat-up.

2. Cut into medium pieces the veggies and place into the hot veggie canister on the grill. Add some salt, pepper and olive oil to this mixture. Grill the veggies with the lid closed but open-it once to give-it a stir or two until somewhat soft, around 15 to 20 minutes.

3. Once the veggies are cooked to your liking(around 15 to 20 minutes) let them cool for around 5 minutes. Place the cool-downed veggies into a food processor and process with the added tomato paste, basil and oregano until you obtain a puree texture. Transfer to a bowl and add some salt, black pepper and sugar to your liking.

Thank you for sharing Weber's Pizza with us. Also, thank you for the ability to look at all those wonderful pictures of Costa Rica.

