Weber Newbie from NJ


Jeffrey Gordon

New member
Hi, nice to see there's a forum for Weber grills. I've finally got tired of buying replacement burners for the gas Sunbeam grill my parents gave us as a wedding present in 1987. After looking at the grills in Home Depot and Lowes, and reading about grills online, I'd been searching Craigslist for a decent used Weber grill, since I couldn't bear to spend so much for a new one. I came across a Weber Skyline 1200 (actually a Genesis) manufactured in 1999 that someone was selling on Craiglist for $70 and he was throwing in a cover and BBQ tools. It sounded like a good deal and someone was coming to see it that night (at least that's what the seller said) so I left work and drove down the parkway to look at it. The cooking grates had a little rust on them, but I took out the grates and the flavorizer bars, which were rusted but no holes, and the seller fired up the grill and the burners lit perfectly in all settings and nice blue flame. I offered him $50 and he took it. He also threw in a rotisserie accessory, though I didn't test it since it was only a nice little bonus. It was not easy to take apart, but after about two hours and a lot of elbow grease I got it loaded in my Camry and got it home. The funny thing was the Seller said he just bought a new grill. I asked him what kind and he said Home Depot gave him a good deal on a Brinkmann. I had to bite my tongue when he said that because I read online that some people had purchased that and they were ready for the trash heap after two years. I have a feeling that this guy is going to wish he had his Weber back.

I picked up some heat resistant paint and ordered new cooking grates, a caster wheel (one of them was broken) and a new ignitor (the one in there worked but the metal around it started to rust). So now I'm starting to re-assemble and paint over the couple of small rust spots on the frame. The firebox was really encrusted on with grease deposits and I used almost a bottle of Citrus cleaner on it with a wire brush. Looks like I'm going to have to get the wire cup attachment for my drill to get all the junk out of the firebox.
Welcome to the forum and the world of Weber. Congrats on your BBQ! You drive the # 24? :)

