Weber grill out handle light can't find


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024

Hoping some one might know if the Weber grill out handle light is still available, it's Weber part # 9057. It fits the older Genesis 1000- 5500 series or if its way to late. I did a search and Amazon had them but "out of stock" now. I hit a wall after that. I checked with Weber and they sent me a list of all the parts available and its not on there.
Any help in finding one new or used would be appreciated very much. I have lousy backyard lighting and we grill even in the winter when it gets dark at 05 early. I'v added a link to Amazon with a picture of it.



RC:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\Amazon_com Weber Grill-Out Handle Light Patio, Lawn & Garden.htmich

