Weber Go Anywhere Rotisserie back on sale at Amazon.


Joe Anshien

TVWBB Honor Circle
I wanted to buy this over the winter and no one had them. I am still temped even though I now have 3 rotisserie setups (Kettle, Genesis 5, and Broilmaster). Should work on either gas or charcoal version. Comes with battery powered motor and should be swappable with all other motors. If I did not just buy a battery operated motor I would be more tempted.
I have a go anywhere still “Virgin” unfired and a Smokey Joe still in its box trying to decide if I should just sell them, I’ve got enough grills in the “work zone” that I can’t see me touching off either one of those or the ”Simpson’s Smokey Joe” but, the most likely would be the GA, do I really need a roti for it? No. Do I want one for it? Yep! But, I want a ring for the 18” too! Then comes the thought…”Where will I store the bloody thing!?”
They all come apart, some are made to pack flat. In addition to being a rotisserie they can be used for smoking or indirect heat by raising the grate. I also do not use mine often but I still like like it and find it more versatile than the Smokey Joe.

